Installer Expect-5.39.0

Estimation du temps de construction :   0,1 SBU
Estimation de l'espace disque requis :  3,9 Mo

Contenu de Expect

Le package Expect contient un programme exécutant un dialogue programmé avec d'autres programmes interactifs.

Programme installé : expect

Bibliothèque installée : libexpect5.39.a

Dépendances d'installation d'Expect

Expect dépend de Bash, Binutils, Coreutils, Diffutils, GCC, Glibc, Grep, Make, Sed, Tcl.

Installation of Expect

First apply a patch:

patch -Np1 -i ../expect-5.39.0-spawn.patch

This fixes a bug in Expect that can result in bogus failures during the GCC test suite run.

Now prepare Expect for compilation:

./configure --prefix=/tools --with-tcl=/tools/lib --with-x=no

The meaning of the configure options:

Build the package:


This package has a test suite available which can perform a number of checks to ensure it built correctly. However, the Expect test suite here in Chapter 5 is known to experience failures under certain host conditions that are not fully understood. Therefore, test suite failures here are not surprising, but are not considered critical. Should you choose to run the test suite, the following command will do so:

make test

And install:

make SCRIPTS="" install

The meaning of the make parameter:

You can now remove the source directories of both Tcl and Expect.